Saturday, October 20, 2012

Pilates 2 out of 3

Hey all!

I'm sure you've been doing all of your pilates since last week's post, so I'll assume you're nodding your head to the screen and that you are ready for harder routines! A lot of these ones will be with the addition of a yoga ball, so if you don't have one try and find one at the local gym or find a squishy smaller ball to start off with.

Let's get it started, preferably to some zen music playing in the background (trust, you'll need it). Okay, the first one is called a caterpillar. The caterpillar starts with you straight across the ball with your shins on the ball and your hands parallel to your shoulders. Then, you're going to use your abs to pull the ball closer to you, keeping your hands in the same position, and end the way the lady in black to the right is finished. Start off with keeping your feet flat, rolling the yoga ball across your ankles and down your foot, but once you've done this a time or two, roll the ball all the way to your toes and then grab onto the ball with your toes. This takes major abdominal strength, so its a challenging ab routine that shouldn't be done by beginners. Aim for five well done the first time, and eventually you'll be able to add fifteen to your routine.

The next exercise is also a very challenging one, so if you are just starting, try it out without the ball first, then add a small squishy ball, something that a two year old can play with, and then go for the yoga ball, which is heavier. The lady with the green yoga ball is making this look quite easy. Your goal is to not fall over forwards or backwards, and you'll most likely do both a couple (and that's forgiving) of times. Kind of like I snowboard, but unfortunately I have yet to stay upwards more than a couple of seconds. But I digress. Your objective is to lift both your upper body and legs squishing the ball in between using your muffin top. Try getting about 2 to 3 right, then add on until you reach ten to each side.

The plank is a typical tennis exercise and an exercise that is labeled frequently as the best core exercise out there. This is a harder version, with a leg lifted. You can also move from hands to elbows, holding for ten seconds each variation.

Once you are done with your workout, it'll be useful to stretch out your back, and this awkward looking man is showing how to stretch out your back well. Kick your legs up all the way until your toes are pointed to the ceiling, and then slowly bring them as far back as you can towards and over your head. If your legs don't want to go that far, leave them be. This is an intensive back stretch and if you overextend you'll pull your back muscle, which is extremely painful and detrimental to a tennis player.

Make sure you come back next week for the last session of pilates with me! See you then.


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