1.) What's your pre-match routine?
I'm sure to be ready to go. You know, drinks, extra clothes, racquets, grips are done. (I) make sure to keep myself warm and ready, I go for a light jog and stretch. I listen to inspirational pump-up music. Eminem is pretty good, Lose Yourself and Till I Collapse.
2.) What is your regular pre-match meal?
Lots of carbs, like pasta. Sushi's good too.
3.) Somethings not working. What do you do?
I go back to basics, try to make a lot of balls in the court, and adjust to the conditions or the opponent. Staying positive is important, and, staying focused too.
4.) What is your perspective on school? (Alex does virtual school)
School is important even though it's hard work. I know it's important for my future.
5.) What is your advice to young tennis players?

Be passionate in what you do and always believe in yourself.