We’re pretty awesome here at Seminole High Performance. Over
the years of the SHP tradition, we have developed ambitious young tennis
players into the current Tallahassee tennis superstars, and we continue to work
hard and motivate our students to excel in the sport through multiple different
avenues. We’ve recently reconvened with our coaching staff to assess our
successes and what we need to continue to build on to make our program the
continuing stand-out tennis training program in not just Tallahassee alone, but
in North Florida in general.

Our major focus, is, of course, the kiddos. We want to
motivate our players to be the best they can be, and to do that, we need to
focus on inspiration, practices that instill integrity and discipline, and the
incorporation of team elements. Creating a team out of SHP is essential to our
success—in order to do this, we will begin incorporating team-building both
during clinics as well as incorporating outside events such as Seminole High
Performance socials, where you can get to know the players that go to SHP as
well as the coaching team. Not part of SHP yet but want to be? This is a great
event to attend in order to meet and greet current players and coaches at SHP.

In addition to socials, we will also be sending a tournament
coaching team to specific tournaments at least once a month starting in March
2014. This will instill Seminole pride in our players and will allow the
advantage of having a passionate and knowledgeable coach at the tournament
sites. This is a great way of introducing your SHP players to tournament
competition—all of our coaches have been prior players and know how to
professionally deal with factors that affect all players at tournaments,
including match prep, nervousness, third set feedback, and match reflection.
All coaches that travel to tournaments will set up dinners with all SHP parents
and players, incorporating a friendly and team-building environment at the tournament
level. To find out more about tournament travel, please don’t hesitate to call
or ask to be place on the SHP mailing list via seminolehptennis@gmail.com or http://www.seminoletenniscamps.com/.
If you have any feedback for us or any kind of evaluation of
how we can serve you better, whether you are a parent, student, or potential
client, please do not hesitate to email seminolehptennis@gmail.com or
leave a comment below!
In Seminole spirit, go noles!!