The first week of summer camp is always interesting. We've gotten used to, as coaches, our seminole high performance kiddos, and it's always really nice to have some new faces and help our SHP kids play with some new players and have new experiences.
Working on serves! |
Drills during camps! |
Being goofy on the way to Chilis with the dorm group! |
See that Russian flag in the background? Represent! |
One of our communication and teamwork seminars paid off! :) |
It was a sunny day on Sunday as we checked in our dorm campers. I smile as I remember some of them; a sweet nine year old who smiled shyly, a few players who have come back over the years, growing taller since I last saw them, a big hug for the coach they had last year, and a few older boys, nonchalantly waving off parents and eyeing the coaches, ready for some tennis and perhaps some ping-pong shenanigans later that night.
Looking for attention! |
Of course, some of our kiddos want lots of attention! We give them all the attention they need and want.
Chiles was delicious that evening, and some well-deserved nutrition after a long practice filled with drills and their favorite games, olympics and pass-'em.
We are pumped for Davis cup! |
Monday started the week of hard work. I had mostly ladies in my group, which ended up being super fun and exciting. We joked about silly things during resting time, and came up with riddles to entertain each other during lunch breaks. They still didn't get my riddle; if you have a pail that holds 5 gallons and a pail that holds 7 gallons, how do you get exactly four gallons? I suppose math over summer break doesn't sit well with some of the kiddos. :)
Some of the gold group ladies giggling during lunch break |
Yes, I'm an awesome photographer, I know. |
Between jokes and giggles, we worked hard. We did a lot of consistency drills, and worked on fine-tuning aggressiveness and volleys to put away well-fought points. Of course on Tuesday when I put on my hat to shield my head from the sun we got sent indoors, but it was fun to see how much they enjoyed getting out of the heat but still being able to work on some drills and games mixed in. They got some video analysis with Coach Dwayne too, which was fun for them, working on some serve motions.
After indoors we definitely needed to stretch, so we got some yoga in before we left. The kids loved it.
Yoga! |
Thursday came too quickly I think, I was still pumped for David Cup and team mother Russia. My kiddos that switched out with my awesome gold group this week were nervous at first, but really got the hang of it, by day four swinging joyfully around with the Russian flag tied to their necks like a cape. Super Russia! Hard fought matches, but Germany took the title this week. In my heart Russia still won.
Most memorable quote of the week:
Serving for the match! |
"When boys are jealous, it's kind of cute, but when girls get jealous, it's world war three." - 10 year old Grady
Perrin is the queen of the lake reservation! |
Great first week guys. We did great. You did great. We miss you already!
Golden ladies! |
Cheering on their Russia teammates! |
Will, Grady, and Wyatt |
Posing for the camera! |
Giggles during break with the gold team. |
Smiles all around! |